CyberSecurity Journey.
This page tells you a little bit about me. And there is not much to tell, apart from:
My name is m0j0 (for now) and I love Cyber things. I am also a loving Husband/Father/Carer and Tech nerd.
I am currently studying the R60 BSc at the Open University going into my 3rd year. I have had a couple of goes at this but the past 2 years… I’ll not bore you.
So far I have completed 8 modules which has gained me a Diploma in HE (Higher Education). This year I am finishing TM352 which is the Level 3 Web/Mobile/Cloud module offered by The Open University.
It only began on October the 5th so early, so far I am enjoying it :) This will lead me up to System Pen-Testing one I look forward too, although have heard conflicting reports.
Completed Modules to date (Oct 24):
Anyway HTB is my practice grounds and the Academy for learnings. I am building these GitHub page/s to reinforce some machines I have completed so I have to try them again and write better notes and save commands I have learnt.
See you soon (: