0xffr1s1n's Notes

A place filled with learnings.

So if you have made it this far it appears that I have mastered a post on a blog, whoopie!! This doesn’t disguise the fact that I can’t nail the CSS in this theme yet. In my defence I only started playing with Jekyll and GitHub Pages.

Anyway this is a short post as I am eagerly anticipating the release of the latest new Hack the Box puzzles which are called Sherlocks. They are described on the site as such:

Engage in thrilling investigative challenges that test your defensive security
skills. With Sherlocks you will be asked to dive into the aftermath of a targeted
cyber attack and unravel the dynamics behind them,based on the knowledge provided.
Ready to start the investigation?

The whole theme is Blue Team related which although I never mastered Red Teaming, I’m going to give it a shot along with my daily guided machine work and document it on this site.

Hopefully my failings and achievements will help other people and also build my knowledge while documenting it all in this little project.

Follow @m0j0r1s1n