0xffr1s1n's Notes

A place filled with learnings.


Yes, the image is supposed to be there. It is always in my head when I set out on a new project in life. And this being a new project well it seems fitting. Try and remember it, it might spur you on also.

So this home page is a simple static page that serves to point you to article/posts made by myself on my Cyber Journey - Check Blog page for more Info. It is a Journey of Love/Hate at times but also so much fun.

I will shamelessly promote the Discord server that made this all come to life for me also by checking if one of said projects is working - OUCSS Discord.

Purpose was served it worked (: so why not visit and join a wonderful bunch of OU Students both past and present in enjoying the wonderful world of being a tech nerd.

I also have to say I have met some of the smartest and most helpful people ever here. Each and everyone has helped me and I have learnt from them, whether it be trivial or more complex it has served me and hopefully it will get passed on and serve you if you dip your toes into the ocean of Cyber and The Open University.

Follow @m0j0r1s1n